Event Registration Documents

Please check the flowchart while preparing the registration documents ⇒ Event Registration Flowchart

  1. The basic information about the scheduled event should be precisely indicated on the Event Registration Petition. The bold letters on the petition should be replaced by the information about the event/club. Only the information about the club president and the academic advisor is required to be specified on the event application petition. For Event Registration Petition ⇒ Event Petition Draft
  2. The online event registration form must be completely filled in on the computer and sent via e-mail at least 10 business days before the event date for all virtual meetings/conferences. For Online Event Registration Form ⇒ Online Event Registration Form
  3. The face-to-face event registration form must be completely filled in on the computer and sent via e-mail at least 10 business days before the event date for all face-to-face events to be held on the campus. For Face-to-face Event Registration Form ⇒ Face-to-face Event Registration Form
  4. In order to book facilities for the event, the facility request form must be submitted 10 business days in advance together with the event registration documents. An e-mail must be sent at least 1 business day in advance for requesting facilities for the organizations (such as meetings, trainings, etc.) except for events. For Facility Request Form ⇒ Facility Request Form
  5. Student Clubs can design their own posters for the events they plan to organize. For the rules to be followed by the club while designing a poster and to see the sample poster designs ⇒ Poster Designs
  6. Student Clubs must fill in stand booking form on the computer and send via e-mail in order to open a promotional stand during the “Student Clubs Promotion Days” to be held between 21-30 September 2022, the stand application form must be filled in completely on the computer and sent via e-mail. For Stand Booking Form ⇒ Stand Booking Form

Documents to be Submitted by Clubs that will be Newly Established and will Continue Their Activities

For Access to the Directive on the Principles of the Establishment and Operation of the Student Clubs of Yaşar University ⇒ Directive on the Principles of the Establishment and Operation of the Student Clubs

  1. The founder member to apply for the establishment of the student club must prepare the necessary documents completely on the computer within the first 4 weeks as of the start date of the Academic Year and send them to the e-mail address until 12 October 2022. The petitions will not be considered if the documentation is incomplete by the application deadline specified. You can contact …. for all your questions regarding the application process. For the Application Form for the Student Clubs to be Established ⇒ Application Form for the New Student Clubs
  2. Student clubs that were registered in the previous academic year must prepare the necessary documents completely on the computer for reregistration within the first 4 weeks as of the beginning of the Academic Year and send them to the e-mail address until 12 October 2022 if they want to continue their activities in the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Student clubs that have not submitted the necessary documents will be reported to the Administrative Board for the suspension of their registration. You can contact …. for all your questions regarding the application process. For the Application Form for Student Clubs to Continue Their Activities ⇒ Application Form for the Reregistration of the Student Clubs
  3. All Student Clubs are required to prepare their own Directory and submit it to the HCS Department for approval. For the Draft Directory ⇒ Draft Directory
  4. For the general meeting call, draft call, general meeting procedure and documents to be submitted to the HCS Department regarding the General Assembly Meetings to be held within the first 4 weeks as of the start of the academic year by the Student Clubs that will continue their activities in the 2022-2023 Academic Year and to be held within two weeks as of the date notified to the parties by the Administrative Board Meeting of the Student Clubs that applied for the first registration in the 2022-2023 Academic Year ⇒ General Assembly